
Friday, December 31, 2010

My Style Statement: Cultivated Warmth

(Foundation, 80%)
Cultivated takes tremendous pleasure in seeing things grow. They love to nurture their inner life, other people, animals, nature, and ultimately good ideas. Happy to foster and promote the growth of others, Cultivated works toward what is best for the individual as well as the group. They are interesting to other people precisely because they are actively and sincerely interested in the world around them. They respect, honor, and celebrate the customs of various communities and traditions and are consummate connectors of people. They are natural leaders. Positively passionate about growing, learning, and teaching. Cultivated is often well trained or educated (either formally or self-taught) and thus can be quite self-critical, overextending for accomplishments. They always have some pursuit or exploration under way. Cultivated considers all of life's experiences - positive and negative - nutrients for their inner garden from which they reap their harvest.

Look & Feel: Always quality, with a high degree of taste. Can run the gamut from sophisticated and refined to culturally diverse, eccentric, or bohemian. Rich, artistic, intellectually advanced. Full range of textures, tastes, aromas.

Synonyms: Nurture, cherish, compassion, generous, devoted, educated, receptive, encourage, foster, help, instruct, nurse, promote, open, pursue, refined, support, enrich, improve, polished, disciplined, aestheticism, art, focused, studious, classic, elegance, fashion, grace, hip, kindness, sincere, energetic, relational, learning, sophisticated, advocate, discernment, tasteful

Definition(s): "To promote the growth of development of; to foster"; "To devote oneself to"; "To promote or improve growth"

(Creative Edge, 20%)
empathetic, intuitive, nested, sensitive, emotional, spirited, inspired, sacred, natural, glowing, snug, sweet simplicity, organic, reverent, sweet, romantic, hidden, sunny, whole-hearted, layered, charm, restful, delicate, bohemian, artistic, stimulated senses, curious, grace, narrative, sanctuary, tender, understated, balanced, grounded, goofy

Curious? Inspired? Motivated? Energized? Maybe it's time to discover your own Style Statement?

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful and inspiring Taylor, thanks for sharing!
    X0X0 Marie
