
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Learning to Sew

Yesterday my friend Stephanie was gracious enough to give me and Chelsea O'Neil a sewing lesson. We decided to sew aprons (the straight lines of this project make it ideal for a beginner). Next came a trip to JoAnn's fabrics where we chose our contrasting fabrics. It was amazing how much our fabrics seemed to embody our personalities. Chelsea chose a fun, vibrant, and playful mix of red polka-dotted batik and sky blue paisley. I chose my usual tones of brown, orange, yellow, and red. I come from a long line of "thread ladies"; my mom majored in fashion design in Oslo, Norway, and my Nonnie sews amazing little crafts for her church. However, I have always been intimidated by this craft. With the support of my friends I endeavored on this sewing project and discovered a new love. The act of pinning and running stitches through the machine was both meditative and calming. Additionally, the history of sewing is wrought with the strengths of women. It has traditionally served as a means to unite us - in this vein it is nothing less than an empowering craft. Thank you to Stephanie Wolff and Chelsea O'Neil for your support, patience, and guidance through this project!