
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Packing Adventures

Nobody likes packing. It is time consuming and forces us to confront a painful reality - we purchase a whole lotta crap. As I prepare for an upcoming move I've realized that although I'm not a packrat, I am most definitely what I consider a "clutterbug". In an effort to help ease this already laborious process here are a few tips that I've found useful:

1. Give yourself plenty of time. We are moving on the 25th of this month, and I started the packing process last week.

2. Break it up into sections. Every day I approach a "section" - whether it be a closet, shelves, valuables, etc.

3. Liquor stores or breweries are a great place for small - medium sized boxes. If you ask when their delivery date is you will hit the "money-load" of boxes. They are more than happy to help - it saves them the work of breaking down all the boxes.

4. MUSIC IS KEY. Make yourself an energizing playlist and put in those earbuds. This is an absolute necessity.

5. Give yourself breaks and rewards. Did you tackle an especially difficult "section"? Treat yourself to a glass of wine, bubble bath, a good read, or movie.

6. Eliminate what you don't use. If you have an item that has been sitting in a box or corner for over 1 year, donate it. For clothes - invite friends over to help you choose what to donate and what to keep.

7. The cheapest bubble wrap I could find was at Walmart. Although this store is riddled with its wrongs, it's a great place to make this one purchase.

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