
Monday, June 21, 2010

Perspectives: My Archetypes

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a big fan of Jung. Last semester I took a class called Career Counseling, which luckily included a section on uncovering your archetypal gifts and pitfalls:

Archetypal Pitfalls

Archetypal Gifts

A great book I recommend to everyone interested in archetypes (it includes a quiz/guide)

My scores

Mapping my archetypes (in doodle form.......during class)

The archetypes that are very active in my life and related to my sense of identity include (from highest to lowest scores): Caregiver, Ruler, Creator, Destroyer

The archetypes that are available when necessary, but don't determine how I see the world include (from highest to lowest scores): Lover, Magician, Seeker, Sage

The archetypes not expressed in my life. I typically have trouble understanding people who act out these archetypes or situations that call for these archetypes (from highest to lowest scores): Warrior, Innocent, Orphan, Jester

Every archetypal story in this book is introduced through a story (myth, fable,etc.). I found these stories useful in understanding how archetypes may help or hinder my personal development. Archetypes from my highest scores were told through the following tales:


The Greek myth of Demeter and Kore


Knight Parsifal and the Holy Grail


The Finnish Creation Myth of Wainamoinen, the First Man


Mayan story of the resurrection of Hun Hunahpu, god of maize

Check out the other amazing posts from these ladies: Chelsea, Donica, Jessica, and Phoenix Peacock.

1 comment:

  1. Can I get my hands on this book!!! lol. I know you said I'd probably like it, but now there's a fire under my butt to read it. :) It would be interesting to see how I score compared to the archetypes I have chosen for myself. I love the stories you've included with your own.
