
Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Big Move

About a week ago Colorado was subjected to lots of rain and snow. As everything melted into the ground it also melted into the bedroom and closet of our previous apartment. What started as a small puddle rising from the carpet eventually covered the entire floor. Maintenance shop-vacced the mess and called it a day. Unfortunately for us, this now moist environment was the perfect place for black mold to flourish. My husband, who already suffers from asthma, found it harder to breathe than normal and was using his inhaler more frequently. The smell became so unbearable that we had to sleep in the middle of our living room for 2 nights. Then we decided to push up the moving date.

Moving is already an incredibly stressful event. Time is required to not only physically prepare for a move (packing, sorting, etc.), but also to mentally ready yourself. We were robbed of that time. We woke up the next morning, rented a Budget truck, and worked straight through from 10AM - 11PM. We managed to move the entire place, by ourselves, for the first time. We felt bad asking people for help because we didn't want to subject them to the mold or the absolute hell that is moving every single item you own. I want to put it out there - to all of my amazing friends who offered their help - that the offer itself meant more to us than we can aptly describe.

So once the move is done, then comes the unpacking. I'm one of those people who likes to get stuff done, and get it done fast. When I return home from a trip I unpack my luggage the very minute I walk in the door. I know, I know - it's completely neurotic. Unfortunately for my husband, this trait carried over into the moving process as well. With sore muscles, bruises, and cuts we managed to unpack everything in a mere 2 days. Then we rewarded ourselves to strawberry margaritas and a pool day with Chelsea :)

We love the new apartment. The ceilings are high, which makes it look much larger than it actually is. Huge east-facing windows adorn the rooms, which let in a beautiful amount of light. There is much more open space and a fraction of the clutter. And best of all - we have a washer and dryer that doesn't require quarters! I already feel at home.

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