
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Perspectives: Summer Goals

Inspired by Roben Marie and Kira's "Points of Two", me and a few of my close friends/bloggers decided to embark on an exploration of "Perspectives". This summer-long series will explore different viewpoints expressed through the journaling process. From this point forth, every Monday we will be journaling in response to prompts collectively agreed upon. Take note of how we all respond differently to a single directive - that's the beauty of creativity, divergent thought. Divergent thought is basically the opposite of linear processing. It is what allows creative individuals to approach a challenge with multiple solutions rather than a single path. Join us every Monday in this exploration of perspectives through divergent thought, creativity, inspiration, and friendship.

Today, Chelsea, Donica, Jessica, Phoenix Peacock, and I journaled about our summer goals.

I decided to do some good old fashioned art journaling for this piece. I started by free-form writing on a thick sheet of heavyweight Bristol paper, covering the entire page. This stream-of-consciousness method was helpful in overriding my inner critic, who tends to shy away from setting concrete goals (fear of failure, of course). Watercolor pencils and oil pastels were used over the text, so that is shows through all parts of the drawing. Looking back, I think partially obscuring the text was my inner critic at work again. I kept the tone and mood of the piece playful, with symbolic meanings underlying each element. For instance, the heart inside the figure represents my foremost goal this summer - to practice maitri, kindness towards myself.

Other Summer Goals:

1. Learn how to cook at least 4 full meals and do it myself (without Adam's assistance).

2. Learn iMovie.

3. Read at least 4 books on grief and bereavement in preparation for my Internship.

4. Read at least 5 fiction books and post write-ups on my blog.

5. Take Maya for walks at least 3x/week.

6. Complete at least 5 paintings without destroying or throwing them away.

7. Organize my art supplies.

8. Find a new therapist and see him/her at least 2x/month.


1 comment:

  1. Your page is awesome! This is going to be a fun journey missy!
