
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tag, You're It

Phoenix Peacock tagged me in a fun little photo-blog game:

The Number 8
Go the 8th folder in which you store your photos.
Select the 8th photo.
Post it to your blog and tell the story behind it.
In your post tag 8 other bloggers to do the same * (* - if you so choose, it isn't mandatory!)

"The Stalker Crow"

When Adam and I lived in Louisville, CO there was a gorgeous walk about 3 minutes away from our apartment complex. The trail bordered homes and private ranch land. The fence-posts you see in the foreground of this picture formed the border between the open space and private land. This enormous crow sat perched on a fence-post, staring at Adam and I as we got closer and closer. I pulled out my camera to get a shot of the eerily large bird, only to have him fly away at the last minute. Therefore, this was a "mistake" shot; but like so much in life, sometimes mistakes can be beautiful things. I remember that there was a storm rolling in over the Foothills on this day. We were nervous that it would hit us while we were walking. The combination of the crow and incoming storm lent this walk a somewhat ominous quality. But like all things Colorado, even in its darkest moments - it's somehow still beautiful.

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