
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Adam the Amazing Artist

Adam has been a lover of aquariums and aquaterrariums since he was a child. Recently he has discovered his inner artist; he creates handmade environments for a variety of fish, newts, geckos, frogs, and more. To say I am proud of Adam doesn't do him justice. He is amazingly smart in math and science - but this specific intelligence is balanced by the incredibly creativity he displays in designing, planning, and executing these aquaterrariums.

The piece you see below is in its infancy. The plants within will spread until they cover the floor of the water-portion. No life has been placed in the tank - we are waiting until we return home from our upcoming trip to Ohio.

When I say Adam made everything in this tank I really do mean EVERYTHING. The red "rock" background was created using waterproof cement layered over carved foam. Colors were added with various dyes such as iron oxide (red), espresso (brown), and tumeric (yellow). The top portion (dry) features a small waterfall that flows over shallow tiny ponds containing various plant species. Adam carefully plans his designs so that no tubes or cords are showing in the landscape (which is a rare thing); he aims for his pieces to look as naturalistic as possible.

Adam is constantly bursting with ideas. He is only limited by our living space, finances, and time. It is my hope that one day these limits will be removed so that he can live out his ideas and share them with the world.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to watch it grow! Did ya'll decide what sort of fishies will be in it?
