
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sewing Attempt Failure: Dino - Bird

One of my goals for this summer (which I just realized I left out of my Summer Goals posting) is to familiarize myself with new mediums - such as sewing. I love all things birds - nests, eggs, feathers, etc. I downloaded a bird template offline and decided to create my own fabric using a sheet of muslim and fabric markers. I was originally going to create "oil spill" birds (hence the black swirls) - but my attempt did not go as I planned. I was able to follow the template...... up until the whole sewing everything together part. I took matters into my own hands and improvised my own template and created what turned out to be more of a "dinosaur/bird". However, I did learn a few valuable lessons:
1. Always follow directions, especially when you are sewing. Unless you want your project to turn into a disaster like this.

2. Making your own fabrics is fun, fast, cheap - and leaves you open to more possibilities!

3. Because I am hand-sewing I learned the importance of making very fine stitches when you are stuffing anything, otherwise the cotton will poke through.

4. Do not stuff too much or the piece will turn out horribly rigid.

5. Next time you try to embark on a sewing project you may want to ask your much more knowledgeable friends for advice beforehand!

On the upside, this failure left me inspired and more motivated than ever to learn sewing. Today I treated myself to a new book on "Stuffed Friends" and some fabrics at Hancocks. I plan on making a gift for my friend's newborn baby and a stuffed dog for myself (the fur is amazing, it reminded me of my own dog, so i had to buy it).


  1. I love this! Let's have a sewing party!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think the word "failure" should be replaced by "learning"
